Metropolis - Czech novel 1927

Metropolis Czech Novel, 1927

Thea von Harbou, Metropolis, UDKN, Prague, 1927. Translated from the German by Marie Dolejsi. First Czech edition. Illustrated throughout with approx. 65 "stills" from the film. Copy sold on ebay January 2002 for $324.50. The very distinct art for the cover is reproduced above. A monochrome variant is also known, perhaps denoting the cover for the paperback version. The unknown artist has juxtaposed the image of the true Maria (on the left) with the evil, robot Maria (on the right). The red, slanting eye, dark eyebrow and steely gaze projects a sense of evil, whilst the clear blue eye, blonde hair and rosy pink cheek of the true Maria portrays only innocence.

Site last updated: 29 January 2011.



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