
Showing posts from January, 2025

Lobby card or photographic still or both?

Original German release (January 1927) photo lobby card, Bilotta Collection, Florida. 1. Introduction On 12 January 2025 an online argument broke out on a Facebook fan site over whether a Metropolis (1927) "original German release photo lobby card" was in fact as described. The combatants were Erich Kaiser and Oz Man. Kaiser called Oz Man a "fool" during the online discussion over the photo which was purchased from an American auction house and found a home in the Bilotta Collection museum, Florida. As the following 2022 photograph from the museum's Facebook page shows, the owners and curators of the museum are obviously fans of Metropolis . Bilotta Collection , 22 December 2022. The photograph above is of a life-size copy of the Metropolis Maschinenmensch (Machine Person), and in the background is what appears to be the S2 lithographic reprint of the original German 3-sheet poster, produced between 1997-2006. Undoubtedly there will be additions to that pa...